Fertility Woes

Fertility treatment- Medibliss Tours

Eager to have children? Why is it so easy for some people and so difficult for others? Is the divine power in play? How come some people are so fertile while others aren’t? Sick and tired answering peoples’ questions as to when, why and why not you don’t have children yet? Sick and tired of never losing faith and hope only to find your pregnancy test result negative?

Like any other living beings, humans are programmed to reproduce. Infertile people are often labelled as desperate to have children. They are also more likely to try IVF and/or ART technologies to bear children rather than adopt. Only 11% of these people chose adoption; out of which more than half would also try the treatments first and then adopt. So is it a social need to have children, or an internal desire or just an evolutionary process like winning the lottery as the outcome of having sex? There is a deep rooted desire to have a child your own flesh and blood. And once the baby has come into your world, the immediate and long-lived impulse is to care for it and to see it prosper. The desire to have a child can be stemmed from a sense of purpose or fulfilment which later is perceived to be one of the main reasons for a happy life.

Some believe in the biological clock and while others choose to ignore it. So, what is the biological clock? As women age, the child bearing properties that she so proudly possess in her youth declines. And, even for men, the quality of sperm also decreases as they grow older. This is where we need the help and expertise of medical professionals to ascertain what could be reason for the delay in getting pregnant and get us on the right path to get a baby faster.

Others would rather do it discreetly and seek treatment elsewhere (to another country perhaps) where the fertility treatments are far cheaper than the Western and European counter parts. It is also imperative not to lose hope. There are so many advanced technologies in helping men and women getting pregnant. Some of these technologies are:

  1. Ovulation Induction
    Medication is given to the woman to induce ovulation and you can still get pregnant by
    having sex.
  2. Inter-uterine insemination
    Sperm is prepared in the lab to be delivered into the uterus.
  3. In vitro fertilization
    In lab controlled conditions, the egg and sperm are collected and embryos are created
    and then injected into the uterus of the woman.

And, if you are not getting pregnant any time soon but would like to, you have options like,

  1. Egg freezing
    This is for women who would like to preserve their options of getting pregnant by
    preserving their eggs in a collection. The steps are similar to that of an IVF.
  2. Donor options and surrogacy
    Donor treatment is using the IUI/IVF methods by suing someone else’s sperm or egg.
    This also entails legal and ethical issues.
  3. Fertility Preservation
    Eggs, embryos, ovarian tissue can be frozen for people losing their fertility due to cancer
    treatments and any other reason or it can also be meant to be used by people who fear
    that their fertility may decline by the time they want to have children. Sperm can also be
    frozen as back up for fertility treatment.

So, don’t lose hope. Prepare and ready your finances and get in touch with a medical expert
who will help you out.